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Each of our products have individual pages and can be added to your basket. You can find these using the search bar or please email us your application if you aren’t sure on the product you require.
If the product is a stock item & ordered before 1pm, we book this for a next working day delivery. For items made to order or sent from manufacturers, please see the individual product page for more information about delivery time.
As long as your order is in its original manufacturer packaging, in a re-sellable condition & returned back to us within 2 weeks of receipt of order we will provide a refund.
Yes, dependant on stock levels any product available for collection will have this option available when checking out.
Yes if you email us your application and any special requirements we can try to advise the best product for your job.
To check our stock levels or delivery time for a product please call us on – 08454 530 017 or email us your query @ [email protected]