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Admixtures Available

You can buy all sorts of Admixtures from Complete Construction Products....

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Fosroc Cebex 100


Cebex 100 is supplied as a powder admixture. The material is a combination of a plasticising agent and a gas producing expansion medium.

The plasticising agent allows the use of a reduced water/cement ratio with consequent increased strengths and durability. The expansive medium counteracts the natural settlement and plastic shrinkage of the grout and aids stability and cohesion.

Sufficient restrained expansion is developed to ensure a high degree of inter facial contact.
  • Gaseous expansion system compensates for plastic shrinkage and settlement in properly designed cementitious grout.
  • Reduced water/cement ratio in the grout mix ensures low permeability and long term durability in service.
  • Gives high grout fluidity with low water/cement ratio, thus making placement or injection of the grout easy.
  • No metallic iron content to corrode and cause staining or deterioration due to rust expansion in the grout.
  • Composition allows high early strength development in grouts, without the use of chlorides.
  • Gaseous expansion system compensates for plastic shrinkage and settlement in properly designed cementitious grout.
  • Reduced water/cement ratio in the grout mix ensures low permeability and long term durability in service.
  • Gives high grout fluidity with low water/cement ratio, thus making placement or injection of the grout easy.
  • No metallic iron content to corrode and cause staining or deterioration due to rust expansion in the grout.
  • Composition allows high early strength development in grouts, without the use of chlorides.
Ronafix for Bonding & Bedding

Ronafix for bedding mortars is a high strength polymer additive for mortars for bedding brick slips and bonding copings and other building components to concrete and suitable building surfaces. It is strong, durable and resistant to water and frost attack.

Ronafix has been tested by the British Board of Agrement for bonding brick slips and a certificate has been issued.

Ronafix for bedding mortars bonds effectively to asphalt and bitumen and unlike epoxy or polyester bedding mortars will not soften or denature the substrate.
  • ‘the product has a greater resistance to the passage of moisture than the equivalent unmodified sand cement mortar.’ BBA Certificate No. 89/2149
  • ‘the product will provide a strong and durable bond to the prepared concrete.’ BBA Certificate No. 89/2149
  • ‘the product is not significantly affected by frost action and will be more durable than the equivalent unmodified sand cement mortar’ BBA Certificate No. 89/2149
  • waterproof
  • frostproof
  • increased physical properties
  • excellent adhesion
Ronafix for Rendering & Tanking

Ronafix Waterproofing, Rendering & Tanking is a multi-purpose adhesive and a plasticiser for mortar, cement and concrete. Ronafix is universal and can be used internally or externally for bonding concrete, rendering, floor screed, flooring, tanking and can also bond bricks, tiles, coping and plaster.

Key Features
  • Waterproof & frostproof
  • High strength
  • Low shrinkage
  • BBA approved
Ronafix Waterproofing, Rendering & Tanking should be diluted with water to give correct polymer content and can be added to cement, sand, aggregates in sufficient amount to achieve workability.

Ronafix for Screeds

Admixture for thin bonded, floating & unbonded screeds and toppings


FEATURES  High performance polymer admixture for floor screeds

 Thin bonded, high strength toppings

 Floating & unbonded screeds

 Levelling screeds and screeds to falls

 Water proof/water resistant mixes

 Minimum 6-10mm application depth, depending on aggregate size